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Melons are sweet juicy fruit from the gourd family. They are divided into two groups - Cucumis which comprises all melons except for watermelon and Citrullus which is watermelon. The term melon or muskmelon is used generically for all members of the Cucumis group.


All varieties, including cantaloupe, honeydew, casaba, crenshaw, Christmas, canary, watermelon.


Melons all contain varying amounts of nutrients, but overall are rich in vitamin C and many of the brightly colored varieties are good sources of Vitamin A and other antioxidants. Melons are also a particularly good choice during hot weather because they can contain up to 94% water, which can help us stay hydrated.


Fresh melons are typically enjoyed simply cut up, but can be incorporated into a variety of dishes including salads, parfaits and chutneys.

Shashlik - The Original Kebab
October is Sandwich Month!
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Shashlik has been part of Central Asian food culture for thousands of years. It is traditionally made using lamb or goat meat, but variations include pork, chicken, and beef. It's made by marinating cubes of meat in a yogurt or vinegar-based sauce that penetrates the meat due to its acidity, infusing the flavor and tenderizing the meat. The cubes are threaded on a skewer and then grilled over hot wood or coals until cooked through and slightly charred on the outside.

Depending on the region, vegetables such as onion, bell pepper, tomato, or mushrooms are added to the skewer to create a variety of flavors. Variations include vegetarian kebabs and those using ground meat shaped into balls or small patties instead of cubed meat.

Shashlik is usually served with flatbread or rice.